Authentication Module

Integrate login page


  1. NextJS (you can use other js frontend frameworks as well)

Creating your project

First, let's create an empty NextJS project

npx create-next-app@latest --typescript --eslint

It will ask you a couple of options, you can follow these as default

npx create-next-app@latest --typescript --eslint
 What is your project named?  eastsdk-demo
 Would you like to use Tailwind CSS?  Yes
 Would you like to use `src/` directory?  No
 Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) … Yes
 Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? … No

Go to the newly created project and install eastsdk

cd eastsdk-demo
yarn add @eastsdk/sdk-js @eastsdk/react


Let's create a login page with a simple ready-to-use component. First, let's create the layout provider.

Create new file app/layout-provider.tsx make sure you put your clientId here.

"use client";

import { EastSDKProvider } from "@eastsdk/react";

interface LayoutProviderProps {
  children: JSX.Element;

export const LayoutProvider = ({ children }: LayoutProviderProps) => {
  return (
          env: "testnet",

Use the layout provider on the default Next layout, edit app/layout.tsx

import "./globals.css";
import "@eastsdk/react/index.css";
import type { Metadata } from "next";
import { Inter } from "next/font/google";
import { LayoutProvider } from "./layout-provider";

const inter = Inter({ subsets: ["latin"] });

export const metadata: Metadata = {
  title: "Create Turborepo",
  description: "Generated by create turbo",

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: JSX.Element;
}): JSX.Element {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
      <body className={inter.className}>

Edit the app/page.tsx to include the required contexts and the login modal

"use client";

import { useEastSDK, useUser } from "@eastsdk/react";

export default function Page(): JSX.Element {
  const { user, setShowModal, onLogout } = useUser();
  const { client } = useEastSDK();

  return (
      {user ? (
          className="px-4 py-1.5 bg-zinc-900 rounded-md hover:bg-zinc-800"
          Sign Out
      ) : (
          className="px-4 py-1.5 bg-zinc-900 rounded-md hover:bg-zinc-800"
          onClick={() => setShowModal("login")}
          Sign In

      {user && <p className="text-center">account id: {user?.account_id}</p>}

There are a couple of important things here:

  1. user consists of the user's account details, which include their accountId and profile data from Arkana

  2. setShowModal to trigger the login modal

  3. client this will be used for accessing modules (NFT, FT, etc.)

  4. onLogout to trigger logout, clean cookies, etc.

Last updated